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ADV (Himnario Adventista)
AG (Aradhana Geethamulu)
AYM (Anointed Youth Missioners)
BE (Buku Ende)
BN (Buku Nyanyian HKBP)
ELI1 (ELI ABOLOJO (Christian Songs, Igala))
ELI2 (ELI KEKE (Short Songs, Igala))
EN (English Hymns)
GB (Gita Bakti)
GBL (Gita Bakti Edisi Lama)
HC (Держись Христа)
JB (Jiwaku Bersukacita: Pujian Sekolah Minggu)
KJ (Kidung Jemaat)
KLIK (Kumpulan Lagu Ibadah Kreatif dan KKR)
KPJ (Kidung Pasamuan Jawi)
KPKA (Kidung Pasamuan Kristen Anyar)
KPKL (Kidung Pasamuan Kristen Lawas)
KPPK (Kidung Puji-Pujian Kristen)
KPRI (Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 2004)
KRI (Kidung Reformed Injili 2017 (Tidak resmi))
LS (Lagu Sion Edisi Lengkap)
LSDAH (ເພັງສມີເສມ (Eternal Songs))
MNR1 (Mazmur & Nyanyian Rohani Buku 1 (Mazmur))
MNR2 (Mazmur & Nyanyian Rohani Buku 2 (Nyanyian Rohani))
MSDAH (ဧဝံဂေလိဓမ္မသီချင်း (Myanmar Gospel Hymnal))
NKB (Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru)
NKI (Nyanyian Kemenangan Iman)
NNBT (Nyanyikanlah Nyanyian Baru bagi Tuhan)
NP (Nyanyian Pujian)
NR (Nafiri Rohani)
NRM (Nyanyian Rohani Methodist)
PKJ (Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat)
PKS (Pwuhken Koul Sarawi)
PPK (Puji-pujian Kristen)
PPPR (Puji-pujian Pemuda/Remaja)
RRZ (Runyankole Rukiga, Zaburi)
SP (Песнь Хвалы)
SPSS (Śpiewajmy Panu wyd. dziesiąte)
SR (Песнь Возрождения)
SR3300 (Песнь Возрождения 3300 / Song of Revival 3300)
SS (Духовни Песни)
SY (Песни Юности. Том 1 (Songs of Youth, Tome 1))
TSDAH (Worship Songs Hymnal (เพลงสรรเสริญ))
YJ (Юность-Иисусу)
YSMS (Тебе пою, о мой Спаситель)
1 Suci, Suci, Suci (Holy, Holy, Holy)
2 Tuhan Yang Mahabesar (Come, Thou Almighty King)
3 Haleluya, Puji Tuhan! (We Praise Thee, O God)
4 Allah Bapa Kami Puja (God, Our Father, We Adore Thee)
5 Pujilah Allah Yang Mulia (Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow)
6 Pujilah Allah Bapa Kita (Pujilah Allah Bapa Kita)
7 Pujilah pada Bapa
8 Pujilah pada Bapa
9 Haleluya! Pujilah Allah!
10 Pujilah Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa (Praise to the Lord, the Almighty)
11 Sembahlah Allah Yang Mahabesar (O Worship the King)
12 Girangkan Hatimu (Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart)
13 Allah Bapa, Sumber Kurnia (Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing)
14 Puji Tuhan, Isi Surga! (Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him)
15 Puji Allah Bapa Yang Mahakuasa! (To God Be the Glory)
16 Pujilah akan Tuhan (Let Us with a Gladsome Mind)
17 Mahabesar, O Tuhanku (How Great Thou Art)
18 Pujilah Tuhanmu (Stand Up and Bless the Lord)
19 Allah Kita Benteng Teguh (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God)
20 Hai Jiwaku, Muliakanlah Allah (O My Soul, Bless God the Father)
21 Kemuliaan dan Hormat (All Glory, Laud, and Honor)
22 Pujilah Yesus yang Mulia (All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name)
23 Pujilah Yesus yang Mulia (All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name)
24 Pujilah Yesus yang Mulia (All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name)
25 Puji Yesus (Praise Him! Praise Him!)
26 Ya Yesus, Bila Kukenang (Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee)
27 Sumber Hidupku, Ya Yesus (Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts)
28 Tuhanku Yesus (Fairest Lord Jesus)
29 Turunlah, Kasih Ilahi (Love Divine, All Loves Excelling)
30 Tuhan Penebus Kupuja (Great Redeemer, We Adore Thee)
31 Dengarkan Nama Kucinta (There Is a Name I Love to hear)
32 Puji NamaNya (O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing)
33 Mulia NamaMu, Tuhan! (Glorious Is Thy Name)
34 Puji Yesus Kristus (When Morning Gilds the Skies)
35 Aku Ingin menyanyikan (I Will Sing the Wondrous Story)
36 Seribu Lidah Berpadu (O for Thousand Tongues to Sing)
37 Hai Kristen, Pujilah (Come, Christians, Join to Sing)
38 Kasih Juru S'lamatku (I Stand Amazed in the Presence)
39 Kasihku T'rimalah, Tuhan (I Love Thee)
40 Ku Cinta PadaMu (My Jesus, I Love Thee)
41 Ku Memuji Penebusku (I Will Sing of My Redeemer)
42 Palungan di Kandang (Away in a Manger)
43 Hai Betlehem Efrata (O Little Town of Bethlehem)
44 Malam Kudus (Silent Night, Holy Night)
45 Di Waktu Malam yang Cerah (It Came upon the Midnight Clear)
46 Hai Malaikat dari Surga (Angels, from the Realms of Glory)
47 Noel, Noel (The First Noel the Angel Did Say)
48 Suara Malak nan Merdu (Angels We Have Heard on High)
49 Camkan Lagu yang Merdu (Hark! The Herald Angels Sing)
50 Gembala Menjaga Dombanya (While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks)
51 Hari Natal Tuhanku (O How Joyfully)
52 Dengarkanlah Lonceng Natal (I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day)
53 Bintang di Timur (Sterre Van't Oosten)
54 Kami Tiga Orang Majus (We Three Kings of Orient Are)
55 Hai Mari Berhimpun (O Come, All Ye Faithful)
56 Di Neg'ri Raja Daud (Once in Royal David's City)
57 TakhtaMu Kautinggalkan (Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne)
58 Ada Lagu Merdu (There's a Song in the Air)
59 Hai Dunia, Bersukalah! (Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come)
60 Kabarkan dari Gunung (Go Tell It on the Mountain)
61 B'rilah Hormat
62 Betapa Miskin Tuhanku (My Master Was So Very Poor)
63 Ku Kurang Tahu Mengapa Tuhan Allah (I Cannot Tell Why He Whom Angels Worship)
64 Puji Allah yang Mulia, Haleluya! (Glory Be to God on High)
65 Mari Tuturkan Kembali (Tell Me the Story of Jesus)
66 C'ritakanlah Tentang Yesus (Tell Me the Stories of Jesus)
67 Malam Hari di Getsemani ('Tis Midnight, and on Olive's Brow)
68 Sungguhkah Yesus T'lah Mati? (Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed)
69 Salib Kristus Kubanggakan (In the Cross of Christ I Glory)
70 Pandanglah Bukit Golgota (There Is a Green Hill Far Away)
71 Di Golgota
72 Pada Salib Almasih (Alas, and Did My Saviour Bleed (At the Cross))
73 Penebus, Junjunganku (Blessed Redeemer)
74 Kristus Bangkitlah Sudah (Christ the Lord Is Risen Today)
75 Tuhan Yesus Bangkitlah! (Low in the Grave He Lay)
76 Masyhurkan Rajamu (Rejoice, the Lord Is King)
77 Betapa Agung dan Mulia (Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned)
78 Marilah Nobatkan Sang Raja! (Crown Him with Many Crowns)
79 Hari Minggu Hari BangkitNya
80 Inilah Hari Tuhanku (This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made)
81 Haleluya, Juru S'lamat! ("Man of Sorrows," What a Name)
82 Kristus Datang! (Christ Returneth)
83 Yesus Datang (When He Cometh)
84 Bagaimana Kusambut datangMu?
85 Sudah Siapkah Kausambut Tuhan? (The Lord Is Coming)
86 Hidup MatiNya bagi UmatNya (One Day)
87 Seg'ra Datanglah, Roh Suci (Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove)
88 Ya Roh Kudus, Sucikan (Breathe on Me)
89 Roh Kudus, B'rilah Met'rai MilikMu (Seal Us, O Holy Spirit)
90 Sucikan Hatiku di Dalam RohMu (Whiter Than Snow)
91 Ya Roh Suci yang Benar (Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide)
92 Roh Kudus, Pemb'ri Terang (Holy Spirit, Light Divine)
93 Ya Hembuskan RohMu (Breathe on Me, Breath of God)
94 O Curahkan KuasaMu, Rohulkudus (Spirit of the Living God)
95 Roh Kudus, Turunlah!
96 Kitab Suci Milikku (Holy Bible, Book Divine)
97 FirmanMu Taman yang Permai (Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord)
98 Firman Hidup Kekal (Wonderful Words of Life)
99 Ya Firman dari Surga (O Word of God Incarnate)
100 Firman Allah S'panjang Masa (Word of God, Across the Ages)
101 B'rikanlah Firman Hidup (Break Thou the Bread of Life)
102 Marilah Ciptaan Tuhan (All Creatures of Our God and King)
103 Atas Bumi yang Indah (Fot the Beauty of the Earth)
104 Ciptaan Bapaku (This Is My Father's World)
105 Fajar Menyingsing (Morning Has Broken)
106 Kupuji Sang Kristus (I Bless the Christ of God)
107 Batu Zaman (Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me)
108 Yesus Penebus Umat Manusia (Jesus Paid It All)
109 Hanya oleh Darah Yesus (Nothing but the Blood)
110 Darah Kristus Mahakuasa (There Is Power in the Blood)
111 Yesus Juru S'lamat (We Have Heard the Joyful Sound)
112 Ku Dis'lamatkan! (Saved, Saved!)
113 Salib Jalan Hidupku (The Way of the Cross Leads Home)
114 Mungkinkah? (And Can It Be That I Should Gain)
115 T'rima Kasih pada Tuhan (Thank You, Lord)
116 Dit'rimaNya yang Cemar (Christ Receiveth Sinful Men)
117 Yesus Kasih Padaku (Jesus Loves Me)
118 Kurnia yang Indah Penuh Berkat (Grace Greater than Our Sin)
119 Sangat Besar Anug'rahNya (Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound)
120 Aku DipilihNya (He Included Me)
121 Sangat Luas Rahmat Allah (There's a Wideness in God's Mercy)
122 Aku Bersyukur atas KasihMu (Gerhard Tersteen (Jerman))
123 Allah Baik (God Is So God)
124 Kudengar BerkatMu Turun (Lord, I Hear of Showers of Blessing)
125 Yesus Kristus Anak Allah
126 Kasih Besar (tak dikenal)
127 O Tuhanku, Sucikan Hatiku (Search Me, O God)
128 Ku Datang, Tuhan (I Hear Thy Welcome Voice)
129 Jangan Aku Dilalui (Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior)
130 Aku Bertekad (I Am Resolved)
131 PadaMu Ku Datang (Out of My Bondage, Sorrow, and Night)
132 Ku Mengungsi ke Salib (I Am Coming to the Cross)
133 Mari Masuk Hatiku (Into My Heart)
134 Jadikan Yesus Tuhanmu (Let Jesus Come into Your Heart)
135 Hai Orang yang Penuh Dosa (Only Trust Him)
136 Sebagaimana Adaku (Just As I Am)
137 "Mari Barangsiapa Mau" ("Whosoever Will May Come")
138 Sungguh Lembut Suara Yesus (Softly and Tenderly)
139 Yesus MemanggilMu (Jesus Is Tenderly Calling)
140 Ku Suka Hidup BagiMu (I'll Live for Him)
141 Kudengar Yesus Memanggil (Where He Leads Me)
142 Suara Yesus Berkumandang (Jesus Calls Us o'er the Tumult)
143 Mengikut Yesus Keputusanku (I Have Decided to Follow Jesus)
144 Pandanglah pada Yesus (Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus)
145 Engkau Kudoakan (I Am Praying for You)
146 Sambutlah! (There's a Stranger at the Door)
147 Dosamu Dihapuskan (Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet)
148 Yesus Bagaikan Gembala (Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us)
149 Ku Bersandar pada Yang Kekal (Leaning on the Everlasting Arms)
150 Pimpin Aku, Allah Bapa (Guide Me, O Thou Jehovah)
151 Pimpin Aku, Allah Bapa (Guide Me, O Thou Jehovah)
152 Tuhan yang Memimpin Aku (All the Way My Savior Leads Me)
153 Yesus, B'rilah Pimpinan (Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me)
154 Berjalan SertaNya
155 Yesus, Cahaya Jiwaku (Sun of My Soul, Thou Savior Dear)
156 Tuhan Menuntun Hidupku (He Leadeth Me! O Blessed Thought)
157 Tuhan Menjagamu (God Will Take Care of You)
158 Tiap Hari, Tiap Jam (Day by Day)
159 Yesus Kuperlukan (I Need Jesus)
160 Mulia SetiaMu (Great Is Thy Faithfulness)
161 Siang Sudah Lalu (Now the Day Is Over)
162 Bapa Surgawi Mem'liharaku (My Heavenly Father Watches over Me)
163 Serta Tuhan (Still, Still with Thee)
164 Naungan Jiwaku (He Hideth My Soul)
165 Ya Allah, Kau Pertolongan (O God, Our Help in Ages Past)
166 Esalah Dasar G'reja (The Church's One Foundation)
167 Iman Umat Tuhan (Faith of Our Fathers)
168 Tiada Timur dan Barat (In Christ There Is No East or West)
169 Indahlah Ikatan (Blest Be the Tie That Binds)
170 Kucinta K'rajaanMu (I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord)
171 Kita Dikenali Karna Kasih Kristus (They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love)
172 Tuhan Allah Beserta Engkau (God Be with You Till We Meet Again)
173 Satu Kita Sekalian (We Are One in the Bond of Love)
174 Ya Tuhan, Hembuskan RohMu (Savior, Breathe an Evening Blessing)
175 Diamlah, Diamlah (Tread Softly)
176 Di BaitMu Suci (In Thy Holy Temple)
177 Surya Mulai Terbenam (Days Is Dying in the West)
178 Tiap Minggu Indahlah (Safely Through Another Week)
179 Hari nan Bahagia (O Happy Day!)
180 Yesus, Salibku Kuangkat (Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken)
181 Ya Yesus, Ku Berjanji (O Jesus, I Have Promised)
182 Ku Turut PadaMu
183 Ya Rohulkudus, Hadirlah (Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine)
184 Ku Ingin PadaMu Setia (Just As I Am, Thine Own to Be)
185 Betapa Kau Mend'rita (O Sacred Head, Now Wounded)
186 Tercurah Darah yang Kudus (There Is a Fountain)
187 Salib Hina (On a Hill Away)
188 Layakkah Tuhanku Saja? (Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?)
189 Bila Kuingat SalibNya (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross)
190 Sembilanpuluh Sembilan (The Ninety and Nine)
191 Tolonglah yang Sesat (Rescue the Perishing)
192 Nyalakan Suluh RahmatNya (Let the Lower Lights Be Burning)
193 Jadikan Aku Pancaran Berkat (Make Me a Blessing)
194 Yesus Menjadi Sang Raja (Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun)
195 Nyatakan Yesus DalamMu (Let Others See Jesus in You)
196 Sion, Cepat (O Zion, Haste)
197 Hai Umat Kristen, B'ritakan (Heralds of Christ)
198 Dari Kutub ke Kutub (From Greenland's Icy Mountains)
199 Ku Suka Mengabarkan (I Love to Tell the Story)
200 Dari Tempat Kesibukan (Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life)
201 C'ritakan Kisah Lama (Tell Me the Old, Old Story)
202 Intan dan Permata
203 Marilah Kabarkan Injil
204 Kuingin Hati yang Suci Murni (O for a Heart That Is Whiter Than Snow)
205 Berdekat PadaMu (Thou, My Everlasting Portion)
206 Bukalah, Tuhan, Mataku (Open My Eyes that I May See)
207 SuaraMu Kurindukan (Speak to My Heart)
208 Tak Dapat Aku Duga (Still Sweeter Every Day)
209 Hidup Lebih Dekat PadaMu (Nearer, My God, to Thee)
210 Kasih Kekal, Tetap Penuh (Immortal Love, Forever Full)
211 Rindu Kulihat Yesus (We Would See Jesus)
212 Di Tempat yang Lebih Tinggi (I'm Pressing on the Upward Way)
213 Kurindu Tuhan Beserta (I Would Have the Savior with Me)
214 Datanglah, Tuhan (Kum Ba Yah, My Lord)
215 S'galanya Baiklah
216 Tuhan Gembalaku (The Lord's My Shepherd)
217 Engkau Batu Karang (O Safe to the Rock that Is Higher than I)
218 Kristuslah Batu Karangku (My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less)
219 Batu Karang Perlindungan (A Shelter in the Time of Storm)
220 Jaminan Mulia (Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine)
221 Nyamanlah Jiwaku (It Is Well with My Soul)
222 Hanya Inilah Aku Tahu (I Know Whom I Have Believed)
223 Berdiri atas Janji Penebus (Standing on the Promises)
224 Masih Tetap Janji Tuhan (The Promises of God Are Sure)
225 Jamahlah Aku, Ya Tuhan Yesus (Touch Me, Lord Jesus)
226 Hidupku, Tuhan, Kini MilikMu (I Am Thine, O Lord)
227 Kuikut Tuhanku (I Will Follow Thee, My Savior)
228 Kuturut PimpinanNya (Wherever He Leads I'll Go)
229 O Yesus, Kau Menanti (O Jesus, Thou Art Standing)
230 Kuserahkan pada Tuhan (I Surrender All)
231 KehendakMu Jadilah (My Jesus, as Thou Wilt!)
232 Hanya PadaMu, Tuhan
233 Hidup bagi Sang Penebus (Living for Jesus)
234 Tuntunlah Tanganku, ya Tuhan (Precious Lord, Take My Hand)
235 Pada Kaki SalibMu (Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross)
236 Di Kaki Salib Yesus (Beneath the Cross of Jesus)
237 Bagi Yesus Semuanya (All for Jesus)
238 Tinggallah, Tuhan, di Dalam Hatiku (Lord, Live in My Heart)
239 Ya Kasih yang Besertaku (O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go)
240 Bapa, KupujaMu (Father, I Adore You)
241 Kehendak Tuhan Laksanakan (Have Thine Own Way, Lord)
242 Tiap Saat (Moment by Moment)
243 Ajar Ku Mengerti
244 Tumpuan Imanku (My Faith Has Found a Resting Place)
245 Dasarnya Teguh (How Firm a Foundation)
246 Ku Percaya pada Yesus ('Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus)
247 Percaya, Patuh (When We Walk with the Lord)
248 Iman yang Tak Terp'ri (My Faith Looks Up to Thee)
249 Ya Tuhan, Pimpin Aku
250 Harap Tuhan (Have Faith in God)
251 Maju T'rus!
252 Maju, Laskar Kristus! (Onward, Christian Soldiers)
253 Hai, Bangkit bagi Yesus! (Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus)
254 Hai, Bangkit bagi Yesus (Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus)
255 Tentara Salib Akukah! (Am I a Soldier of the Cross?)
256 Siapa Ikut Tuhan? (Who Is on the Lord's Side?)
257 Raja Kekal, Pimpinlah (Lead On, O King Eternal)
258 Almasih Maju dan Berp'rang (The Son of God Goes Forth to War)
259 Lawanlah Godaan (Yield Not to Temptation)
260 Jiwaku, Waspadalah! (O for a Faith That Will Not Shrink)
261 B'ri Iman Teguh (O for a Faith That Will Not Shrink)
262 Kita Berjalan ke Sion (Come, We That Love the Lord)
263 Ada Lagu Dalam Hatiku (He Keeps Me Singing)
264 Riang dan Gembira di Surga (Ring the Bells of Heaven)
265 Indahlah Yesus Bagiku (He Is So Precious to Me)
266 Hatiku Senang
267 Melayani Rajaku (In the Service of the King)
268 Ada T'rang Sekarang Padaku (Sunshine in My Soul)
269 Sejak Kuterima Yesus (Since Jesus Came into My Heart)
270 Ya Pengasih Jiwaku (Jesus, Lover of My Soul)
271 Ingat akan Nama Yesus (Take the Name of Jesus with You)
272 Damai Anug'rah Tuhan (Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love)
273 Damai dan Tenang (Joys Are Flowing Like a River)
274 Di Dalam Tuhanku (Near to the Heart of God)
275 Kurindu Hidup yang Tenang
276 Tinggal Sertaku (Abide with Me)
277 Aman di Tangan Yesus (Safe in the Arms of Jesus)
278 Kudengar Suara Almasih (I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
279 Marilah Datang!
280 Bagi yang Diserang Topan (From Every Stormy Wind That Blows)
281 "Marilah KepadaKu"
282 Betapa Indah Jam Doa (Sweet Hour of Prayer)
283 Indah Saat Berdoa ('Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer)
284 Ya Allah Bapa dan Tuhan (Dear Lord and Father of Mankind)
285 Tuhan Harapanku (I Need Thee Every Hour)
286 Adakanlah Waktu (Take Time to Be Holy)
287 Yesus Kawan yang Sejati (What a Friend We Have in Jesus)
288 Doaku
289 Hai Dengar Suara Yesus (Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling)
290 Mari Bekerja S'karang (Work for the Night Is Coming)
291 Mari Kumpulkan (Bringing in the Sheaves)
292 Antarkan, Masukkan (Bring Them In)
293 Ya, Tuhan T'lah Datang (The Master Hath Come)
294 Yang Kami Baktikan (We Give Thee but Thine Own)
295 Pimpinlah HambaMu (O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee)
296 Jiwa Raga Kubaktikan (Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated)
297 Jiwa Raga Kubaktikan (Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated)
298 Berita Baik (The King's Business)
299 B'ri yang Terbaik (Our Best)
300 "Kau Sanggupkah?" Tanya Yesus ("Are Ye Able?" Said the Master)
301 Banyakkan Kasihku (More Love to Thee, O Christ)
302 Persembahan Hati
303 HambaMu Mohon Pimpinan (Lord, Speak to Me, that I May Speak)
304 Kus'rahkan HidupKu Karnamu (I Gave My Life for Thee)
305 Tuhan, BagiMu (Savior, Thy Dying Love)
306 Pikul Salib
307 Kupandang Salib Yesus (I Saw the Cross of Jesus)
308 Yesuslah Terang Dunia (The Light of the World Is Jesus)
309 Sang Tabib Agung (The Great Physician)
310 Juru S'lamat Pujaanku
311 Ku Suka Memb'ritakan S'lamat! (Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It)
312 Ku Suka Memb'ritakan S'lamat (Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It)
313 Damai Bagaikan Sungai (I've Got Peace Like a River)
314 Damai yang Padaku (Constantly Abiding)
315 Karna Allah Cinta (For God So Loved the World)
316 Tuhan Yesus Bunga Bakung (The Lily of the Valley)
317 Bukanlah Aku, Hanya Yesus Kristus (Not I, but Christ)
318 Kasih Tuhan Harapanku (Love Lifted Me)
319 Sahabatku, Ya Yesus (Jesus Is All the World to Me)
320 Padaku Ada Sahabat (I've Found a Friend, O Such a Friend)
321 Aku Gembira Yesus Kasih Padaku (I Am So Glad That Our Father in Heaven)
322 S'karang Ku Milik Yesus (Now I Belong to Jesus)
323 Menanglah Dalam Yesus (Victory in Jesus)
324 Dalam Nama Yesus (In the Name of Jesus)
325 Sungguhlah Hidup Tuhanku (He Lives)
326 Haleluya (Alleluia)
327 Tak Tersembunyi Kuasa Allah (It Is No Secret)
328 Kupancarkan KeindahanMu (Let the Beauty of Jesus)
329 Muliakan NamaNya (Down at the Cross)
330 Aku DiangkatNya (In Loving-Kidness Jesus Came)
331 Ada Kisah Untuk Bangsa-Bangsa (We've a Story to Tell to the Nations)
332 O Nama Yesus nan Indah (How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds)
333 Ku Bersandar PadaNya (Simply Trusting Every Day)
334 Sejak Ku Ditebus (Since I Have Been Redeemed)
335 Dalam Taman (In the Garden)
336 Bila Tugasku Kelak Selesai (When All My Labors and Trials Are O'er)
337 Lewatlah Malam yang Gelap (De Nacht Vlood Heen)
338 Nanti Berhadapan Muka (Face to Face with Christ My Savior)
339 Di Pinggir Yordan yang Fana (On Jordan's Stormy Banks)
340 Akan Berhimpun Kita? (Shall We Gather at the River?)
341 Waktu Bunyi Sangkakala (When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder)
342 Orang Musafir
343 Kusongsong Tahun Baru (Another Year Is Dawning)
344 Roh Mahakasih (O Perfect Love)
345 Bahagialah Tiap Rumah Tangga (O Happy Home Where Thou Art Loved)
346 Mari, Hai Wanita (The Woman's Hymn)
347 Sekarang B'ri Syukur (Now Thank We All Our God)
348 Hitunglah Berkatmu (Count Your Blessings)
349 Pujilah Yang Empunya Tuaian (Sing to the Lord of Harvest)
350 Betapa Kita Tidak Bersyukur
351 Syukur
352 Indonesia Raya
353 Tuhan di BaitNya yang Suci (The Lord Is in His Holy Temple)
354 Bapa, Dengar Doa Kami (Almighty Father, Hear Our Prayer)
355 Tuhan, Dengarlah (Hear Our Prayer, O Lord)
356 Ucapan Mulutku (Let the Words of My Mouth.)
357 Kami Merindukan (Now for Each Yearning Heart)
358 B'rilah Sifat Murah Hati (Grant Us, Lord, the Grace of Giving)
359 Berkati Persembahanku (Bless Thou yhe Gifts)
360 Bapa, Antarlah Kami
361 Kasih Karunia Tuhan Kita (Grace, Love and Peace Abide)
362 Doa Nikmat (May the Grace of Christ Our Saviour)
363 Tuhanmu Memberkatimu (The Lord Bless You and Keep You)
NP 307 Kupandang Salib Yesus
I Saw the Cross of Jesus
Frederick Whitfield, 1861
tak dikenal, antara 1811
1=Es 4/4
Kupandang salib Yesus Karna dosa keji;
Kumohon dari Yesus Sentosa tak terp'ri;
Kubawa pada Yesus Dosaku yang berat;
Kut'rima dari Yesus Hidup penuh berkat.
Kucinta salib Yesus; Ternyata olehnya
Aku seorang hina, Tertawan dan lemah.
Tetapi salib Yesus Jaminan yang pasti;
Namaku t'lah tertulis Di surga abadi.
Ku yakin salib Yesus Pelipur dukaku,
Tempat sandaran hidup Yang kokoh dan teguh;
Di masa pencobaan, T'rus aku berjuang;
Hidup beserta Kristus, Pastilah ku menang.
Di dalam salib Yesus Terhibur hatiku;
DamaiNya kurasakan Berlimpah di kalbu;
Dengan sorak gembira Ku nyanyi tak henti,
Sebab maut tak berkuasa Di surga yang seri.
Terima kasih untuk bantuannya. Link sudah kami terima. Kami akan memprosesnya terlebih dahulu.
© 2010–2025 Tim Alkitab
© 2010–2025 Quick Bible Team