KPRI 48 Kisah Salib Tuhan Yesus
The Broken Heart
Thomas Dennis, ±1907
Thomas Dennis, ±1907
1=As 3/4
Versi Version 1
Pernahkah kau renungkan kisah salib Tuhan Yesus?
Darah-Nya mengalir dari rusuk untuk menghapus dosa.
Yesus menderita bagimu, Yesus mati bagimu.
Cinta yang ajaib bagimu, Yesus mati bagimu.
Pernahkah kau lihat K’pala-Nya bermahkota duri?
“M’reka tak ta’u apa yang diperbuat, ampunilah ya Bapa.”
Pernahkah kau dengar kata- Nya, “Sudah g’nap bagimu?”
Pernahkah kau ucap syukur kar’na Dia t’lah mati bagimu?
Versi Version 2
Have you read the story of the cross,
Where Jesus bled and died,
Where your debt was paid by the precious blood
That flowed from His wounded side?
He died of a broken heart for you,
He died of a broken heart;
Oh, wondrous love! For you, for me,
He died of a broken heart.
Have you read how they placed the crown of thorns
Upon His kindly brow,
How He cried, “They know not what they do;
O Father, forgive them now?”
Have you read how the dying thief was saved
While hanging on the tree,
When he looked with pleading eyes and said,
“O Lord, remember me”?
Have you read how in anguish He cried aloud
And died on Calvary?
Have you ever said, “I thank Thee, Lord,
For giving Thy life for me?”

Audio yang tersedia di bawah ini belum tentu berasal dari sumber yang sama dengan penerbit buku yang di dalamnya lagu ini berada. The audio provided below does not necessarily originate from the same publisher of the book in which this song is included.